Things that Happen...

When...  SCHOOL FRIENDS meet !!!

It has been almost half a decade since I left school. But every time the last minute planning to hangout works out than a well PRE - planned meet up alias the failure plan .


You will always have that one person to plan and send out the invites. The initiator shall process all the back end requests from different sources every time.

Valid Replies please !!!

Five years back; people were active on Facebook groups but with the looming Whatsapp Groups; after the invite is send out; you will always have few envying people in the group praying for the plan to transform into a "FLOP PLAN" or drag the conversation to a next impossible level.

Punctuality is Redefined

Now when the time is 5.30 pm; you are a fool to expect people to reach at least by 6.00 pm. As a few are the pretentious busy VVIPs !

Drop outs

And when everyone meets; there is always the school friend turned entrepreneur busy minting money and pulls out at the last moment with the sweetest apology and a promise that I will come in the next meet !

Money can't BUY this

And now when all have reached. It is time for now to look at each other. The eyes fitted with the weighing scale will make sure that people start making remarks about additional fats added/removed. 

The time for all the "Chit....Chat... "

Starting from the categories of teacher who taught us, crushes, decoded jokes, gossips, asking each other teri wali/ tera wala ka kya hua ! and of course the giggles and laughter that follow.

There will be one who never spoke to a girl during school days then will find it so easy to flirt with a girl now !!!

There will be one who will be the same as in school to annoy you with silly jokes but makes sure everyone is laughing around !!!

There will be one who will understand jokes at next level and one who will never understand jokes !!!

I can't Understrand jokes :(

To make the conversations more interesting you will have interesting stories to listen from friends settled hither and thither !!! 

While there is one still busy looking at her looks and the other is still trying to figure out what the conversation was about repeating it endlessly and bugging you until you make him Shhh !!!

The satisfaction and joy of being together ; each achieving their own ambitions; walking is different paths and sitting together after a long time can never be expressed !

School Friends are the friends whom you can always rely on and of course in the crowd you will always have a voice that cheers for you and says "I am there for you no matter what !"

Moments to cherish forever !
