Love !
Care !
Affection !
Emotion !
Pamper !
When you are so used to the above personified feelings and their presence around expressed by the most unique person on this earth unconditionally but then your life shatters in their absence.
The more you love someone the more you dream of having them around for sharing , living the moment even for the smallest happiness in your lives. But their absence gives you the biggest emptiness which is hollow and can never be filled .
No words can console , nor does your life move on. One just has to accept the loss of the most dearest person and live with this painful and bitter truth every moment. What becomes really painful is when the person's habit is carried into your lives and you miss then every moment. It is a saddening part for any child at any age to live with the loss of thier parent. No matter how old a son or daughter grows the affection from the parents is priceless , words will fail to express. !
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